Inspiration och artiklar

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Anmäl dig till vårt nyhetsbrev

Några gånger per år samlar vi ihop vad som händer hos oss, erfarenheter från våra uppdrag och saker vi tycker är intressanta i vår omvärld. Resultatet blir ett nyhetsbrev fyllt med kunskap och tips som kan hjälpa dig och din organisation att växa.

The cost of development
Teddy Zetterlund Teddy Zetterlund

The cost of development

This article outlines some of the, sometimes hidden, costs around the actual development of features, on a product development level.

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The cost of new features
Teddy Zetterlund Teddy Zetterlund

The cost of new features

Features are a lot like problems. Problems have problem chains (i.e. problems, solutions, and new problems weave an endless chain that starts over and over again) and features have feature loops (features that lead to more features).

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Keeping Up with AI
Sofia Karlsson Sofia Karlsson

Keeping Up with AI

Struggling to stay updated with the ever-evolving world of AI? You’re not alone!

I asked people in my network for the latest buzz, and together with Chat GPT, I’ve made a list of five trends and technologies that are shaping the future.

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7 trends in Product Management
Sofia Karlsson Sofia Karlsson

7 trends in Product Management

What trends do I, as a product leader, need to keep an eye on? What’s the latest buzz?  I asked my colleagues and friends, and together with Chat GPT, I came up with this list.

It’s a list of models, processes and roles etc that will make you up to date with the latest buzz in the product management community.

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Vem är Sofia?
SeventyOne SeventyOne

Vem är Sofia?

Läs om hur Sofia hamnade på SeventyOne och hennes värderingar och tankar på trender framåt.

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Vem är Teddy?
SeventyOne SeventyOne

Vem är Teddy?

Läs om hur Teddy hamnade på SeventyOne och hans värderingar och tankar på trender framåt.

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(More) takeaways from Product at Heart in Hamburg
David Cederblad David Cederblad

(More) takeaways from Product at Heart in Hamburg

In September I attended Product at Heart together with a few of my colleagues. One of them (Kristoffer) already shared his main takeaways from the conference, but we listened to different talks so here are my takeaways from the track named FROM GROWTH TO PROFIT: Rethink Value Creation. 

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Takeaways from Product at Heart in Hamburg
Kristoffer Avci Nåmark Kristoffer Avci Nåmark

Takeaways from Product at Heart in Hamburg

Another topic that was brought up by several speakers, including Bruce McCarthy, was the need for PM:s to understand the company they are operating in. Not all companies are digitally native, like a Spotify or Netflix, and may be more sales- or finance-driven. You need to understand this in order to help guide your team in the right direction and provide your stakeholders with the right insights and data

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Lessons from a year in SAFe: Use the ART Planning Board to highlight the problems you’re trying to solve
Kristoffer Avci Nåmark Kristoffer Avci Nåmark

Lessons from a year in SAFe: Use the ART Planning Board to highlight the problems you’re trying to solve

The ART Planning Board in SAFe serves multiple purposes but one of the main things is to showcase the features we’re working on. It’s a setup that rewards attention to detail; clear descriptions, acceptance criteria and much more but at least from my experience, we rarely take the time to define which problem the feature is intended to solve, what data we have to prove that it’s actually a problem and how we will know if it has been solved.

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