(More) takeaways from Product at Heart in Hamburg

Money, Money, Money

In September I attended Product at Heart together with a few of my colleagues. One of them (Kristoffer) already shared his main takeaways from the conference, but we listened to different talks so here are my takeaways from the track named FROM GROWTH TO PROFIT: Rethink Value Creation. 
(Maybe it’s more of an introduction to the talks I think you should listen to, than takeaways)

The talks are around 20 minutes each. So give it 1 hour and watch them all. You won't regret it.

The language of money.

The first to speak in this track was Rich Mironov, and perhaps this was, for me, the most valuable of the talks I listened to. Partly because I can personally improve significantly in maintaining the right focus when talking to stakeholders outside the product development department. But also because it contains clear and concrete tips for how we as product leaders can communicate about money and deadlines with those who (only) speak the language of money.

So have a look and learn more about tools like money stories, financial upside in roadmaps and magic tokens. https://vimeo.com/1013524382

Get skin in the game

After Rich, Fabrice des Mazery took over, and his talk also focused on money and how all involved parties, including sales and marketing, can feel engaged and take responsibility for what we do and don't do. 

It was an excellent presentation where you learn, among other things, how you as a PM should act like an owner and let stakeholders pitch their ideas to you. Fabrice provides us with concrete and valuable tips regarding this using his three principles

  • The Investment Principle

  • The Capping Principle

  • The Portfolio Principle

Have a look, you won’t regret it.

Make finance a tool in your belt

The third and last talk in this track was given by Felix Fichtl, who is actually not a product person but comes from finance. Felix provides us product leaders with tips on how to communicate with those who control the money to get our message across and receive help.
Felix also explains what gross margin is and why it is the single most important metric of product profitability.
So listen to this great talk by Felix and "make finance a tool in your belt."

If you are interested in more takeaways from Product at Heart, have a look at Kristoffers article https://www.seventyoneconsulting.se/artiklar/my-takeaways-from-product-at-heart-in-hamburg


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Takeaways from Product at Heart in Hamburg