Assumption Mapping
Assumption mapping is a team exercise where all assumptions are made explicit and prioritized in terms of importance and evidence.
The exercise is designed to help you make all risks explicit in the form of assumptions, so you can prioritize them. All your assumptions are related to one of the three perspectives
Customer Desirability
Business Viability
Organizational Feasibility
60-120 minutes
Number of people
This is a team exercise. Good to have groups of 4-7 people, for bigger groups, divide into smaller groups.
Sticky notes, whiteboard or similar digital tool
Make sure you already have:
A Business Model Canvas that describes your business idea
A Value Proposition Canvas that describes your customer segment and value proposition
Book a room and invite your team and other stakeholders
Use a sticky note to write down each:
Desirability assumption and put it on your canvases
Viability assumption and put it on your canvases
Feasibility assumption and put it on your canvases
Adaptability assumption and put it on your canvases
Add all you sticky notes to your canvas (on the outside of the Business Model Canvas and Value Proposition Canvas based on viability, desirability, and feasibility)
Everyone describes what they have written
Group if necessary
Customer Desirability
We believe...
the customer segment is...
the primary customer need, problem or hopes are...
that our solution solves the customer problem or need
that our solution is important for our customers
that our solutions is so unique and valuable that the customer would switch for current solution
Start every sticky notes with "I believe..." or "We believe..."
Use different colour sticky notes for desirability, feasibility, and viability assumptions.
Also think about ethical perspective (should we do it?) and the usable (is it usable, easy to understand, findable etc)
Your assumptions should be as specific as possible, to the best of your knowledge, based on what you know today
Every assumption should be a single sticky note.
Don’t use bullet points; that makes it easier to prioritize your assumptions
Keep your assumptions short and precise
Discuss and agree as a team
This is based on prioritizing assumptions from the book, Testing Business Ideas by Strategizer